
Срочно помогите с Английским PAST/present subjunctive


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PAST/present subjunctive

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PAST/present subjunctive

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PAST/present subjunctive


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  1. Аватар пользователя Малалаянн

    ответил на вопрос

    The past subjunctive is used to express hypothetical or unreal situations in the past, while the present subjunctive is used to express hypothetical or unreal situations in the present.

    For example, in the past subjunctive, you might say “If I had known, I would have helped.” In the present subjunctive, you might say “I suggest that he study more.”

    It’s important to note that the present subjunctive is often the same as the base form of the verb, while the past subjunctive is formed by adding “had” before the past participle of the verb.

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